Our Park is full of loblolly pines. Houston is full of loblolly pines. The southeast is full of loblolly pines. The loblolly is one of the most common tree in the US, second only to the red maple. As common as loblolly pines are, you might overlook a similar but very different pine that’s unobtrusively… Read more »
Vast swathes of Buffalo Bayou Park are a banquet for butterflies. Wildflowers spread across sunny hillsides. Yet, when I visit the shady Greentree Nature Trail, I always see bunches of butterflies. This is odd because I cannot think of a good reason for them to be there. Butterflies do not waste time. Their job is… Read more »
You might never have noticed the sign pointing to the Green Tree Nature Trail on the north side of the bayou just east of the bat bridge. Or, if you did, you might have thought twice because the trail is dark and isolated. But, if you summon your courage (it is, by the way, absolutely… Read more »